HC Linear is participating in the metaCCAZE project, a groundbreaking initiative co-funded by Horizon Europe. Launched in January 2024, this project marks a significant step forward in shaping the future of smart systems for electric, automated, and connected mobility in European cities. Collaborating with 43 other participants from 13 European countries, including participants from Hungary like the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Miskolci Közlekedési Vállalat (MVK Zrt.), we are excited to contribute to this transformative endeavor in the next 5 years.
The metaCCAZE project aims to accelerate the user-centric adoption of smart systems and promote electric, automated, and connected mobility alongside related infrastructure in European cities. By aligning with key EU initiatives such as the Green Deal, 2ZERO, CCAM, Climate and Neutral Smart Cities Mission, and other strategic partnerships, metaCCAZE seeks to propel cities into the era of green metamobility. With transport being a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, the project aims to achieve ambitious goals, including a 90% reduction in transport-related emissions by 2050 and the introduction of at least 30 million zero-emission cars on European roads.
At HC Linear, our involvement in the metaCCAZE project underscores our commitment to innovation and sustainability. We are dedicated to developing cutting-edge technologies and systems that will revolutionize smart mobility and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. We are honored to be part of this collaborative effort, bringing together participants from 13 countries to shape the future of smart mobility in Europe and beyond.